Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Miracle of the Son of God

Thoughts obstruct us from experiencing the miracle. The miracle which is in the NOW. Thoughts take us in the future, which may or may not be there or they keep us in the past, which is already gone and may not come again but they don’t let us experience the NOW i.e. they don’t let us experience the real. All spiritual masters, irrespective of the religion we categorize them (coz for them there is only one religion, religion of oneness), have emphasized on living in the NOW. They themselves have always lived in the NOW. They have never tried to change it, no matter how it is. Be it Jesus Christ, who was crucified or Lord Ram who faced fourteen years of exile. People who were crucifying Christ were expecting a miracle to happen. They thought if he claims himself to be a son of God, a miracle should happen and God should save him. But in expectation of a miracle, they missed the real miracle which was already happening in that NOW. They missed that the person they were torturing was:
- showering them with love and mercy.
- happily accepting what was in for him in that NOW. Not running from it. Not complaining about it. Just being completely one with it, with the same love and compassion as otherwise.
This was the miracle of the son of God accepting what God had written for him in that moment with utmost love. Only a son can do it.

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